5 Advantages Of Cloud Accounting For Small Businesses

Cloud accounting and bookkeeping software have been around for a period of time now. However to some, the idea of migrating all our data onto the cloud can be rather unfathomable. If you are looking for opportunities to grow and optimize your business, then cloud accounting is the right step for you.

In a world of technological advancements, cloud accounting allows your business to stay ahead of the competition. From being able to access your crucial data wherever and whenever, to having a report on-hand if your buyers/suppliers request it, cloud accounting has various advantages for your business. 

1. Remote access

With cloud accounting and bookkeeping software, you will no longer be tied down to one computer with all your files. Cloud accounting solutions like Xero online accounting software allows you to access your data anywhere and anytime as long as you have a secure web browser. 

Moreover, cloud accounting supports multiple users, so you and your team will be able to work concurrently on the same company data.

2. Tight security & automatic updates

In order to stay on top of the game, you will need to rely on updated software. With an updated and intuitive cloud accounting software, your accounts and financial records will always be secured and backed up with encryption and excellent security. Have a peace of mind that your business is safe from any sort of data leakage.

3. Secure & convenient data exchange

Cloud accounting is your accountant, bookkeeper and bank manager. It allows you to share your data with many others in a secure manner. No matter where your colleagues or stakeholders are, cloud technology connects everyone for seamless communication and data exchange. 

This helps to eliminate the need to travel from one location to another in order to exchange data, giving business owners an added advantage to focus on other important tasks.

4. Saves time & money

Backing up your crucial data is a tiring process. With cloud accounting, you will never have to waste time and effort managing and backing up your data files again. As the configuration of cloud technology is simple and flexible, you will also not need to worry about purchasing additional infrastructure. 

Cloud accounting software is easy to install with one-time login credentials. Users can access their information without hassle or investment, making it a seamless process.

5. Flexible as per your business requirements

Many cloud accounting software technologies tend to come in a standardised format that may not suit your business needs. With flexible cloud accounting software like Xero, you can get solutions beneficial to your requirements and options to customise your usage options. 

Reliable cloud accounting solution for your business

Xero is a widely used cloud accounting software that businesses around the world trust. As Xero Certified Partners, Thong & Lim offers expert advice and specific solutions tailored to your cloud accounting needs. 

To learn more about what Xero and cloud accounting can do for your business, get in touch with our professional consultants at +65 6224 1076.

A Beginner’s Guide To Cloud Accounting Software

The race to keep up with evolving technology has caused many industries to step up their productivity. The world of accounting is no exception, where current innovations have led to the rise of cloud-based accounting software, or ‘cloud accounting’.

Cloud accounting has gained popularity in recent years not only for its ease of use, but also for its reliability in safeguarding data without being dependent on local onsite hardware for storage and backup needs.

This guide aims to introduce the basics of cloud accounting and its advantages, showing why many small and medium-sized businesses are choosing to switch over from traditional accounting systems.

What is cloud accounting?

The ‘Cloud’ refers to servers accessed over the internet, together with the software and databases that run on those servers. Cloud servers are located in data centres all over the world, including Singapore. Cloud accounting refers then to accounting software and data accessed through the cloud from anywhere in the world with the aid of credentials. This is one of the main benefits of cloud accounting as your information can be accessed on multiple devices anywhere in the world where there is a stable internet connection, using a simple web browser.

Cloud accounting vs. traditional accounting software

In contrast, traditional accounting software is installed on a personal computer or an office network that one can only log in locally. Although remote desktop or VPN access does allow users to access the software from a different location, the process is ultimately not as smooth as compared to cloud accounting.

Unlike traditional systems, cloud accounting allows users to access and monitor records online, which solves the problems of data loss due to software corruption or backup issues. This also increases the security of any sensitive data stored on the cloud, enabling businesses to safeguard their own, as well as customers’ data.

Cloud accounting & small businesses

The use of cloud accounting has also provided businesses with more flexibility. Small businesses, in particular, can benefit from the highly accessible nature of cloud accounting software.

Information stored on the cloud is updated in real-time without the need for additional installation processes. This means that users can access important information and data at any time and in any situation, benefiting business owners when they need to access information on the go for important decision making.

Cloud accounting & audit

Maintaining an audit trail in accounting is also important for any business, big or small. Cloud accounting allows businesses to maintain an audit trail and keep track of their financial transactions.

Through cloud accounting, the audit process can also be simplified which helps make financial reporting easier in the long run. Proper audit trails built into the systems also make it clear when and where errors occur in the accounts, allowing businesses to narrow down and prevent any future such errors, ultimately allowing for smoother operations.

Switching over to cloud accounting

Transferring your business’s accounts to cloud accounting need not be a disruptive process that requires a lot of effort. Here at Thong & Lim, we have a team of highly trained and experienced Chartered Accountants and professionals. We provide a full range of consultancy services that includes guiding you through the steps needed to switch over to cloud accounting.

Xero is one such widely used cloud accounting software that businesses can trust. As Xero Certified Partners, Thong & Lim offers expert advice and specific solutions tailored to your cloud accounting needs.

To learn more about what Xero and cloud accounting can do for your business, get in touch with our professional consultants at +65 6224 1076.